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Capturing flex opportunities on the Belgian passive balancing market

What are the main topics?
This webinar is your guide to maximizing trade profits with flexibility optimization in Belgium.
  • André Bosschaart from Montel Analytics delves into "Flexibility's role in the future energy landscape".
  • Philip van Engers and Pedro Iván Leal Jáuregui from Dexter Energy talk about how to "Unlock immediate flexibility revenues".
  • The Q&A session brings more insights into robust trading strategies.
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Is your company active in power trading or producing renewable energy?Required

Price forecasts you can trust: Common pitfalls in backtesting and ways to mitigate them

What are the main topics?
Whether you're a data scientist looking to refine your model or an energy trader aiming to optimize your bidding, understanding the intricacies of backtesting can set you apart from the competition. In this webinar, Tom Lemmens, CPO, addresses the challenges in making reliable backtests for short-term price forecasting and explores mitigation strategies.
Please fill in your details below to access the recording:
Is your company active in power trading or producing renewable energy?Required

Best practices for AI-driven trade optimization: The trader’s checklist

What are the main topics?
Hubert Penn, co-founder and CCO, delivered a talk during Energy Trading Week Online, answering questions such as:
  • What are the current challenges for price and generation forecasting?
  • What are the best approaches to solve these challenges?
  • How can traders make price and generation forecasting part of their strategic decision-making process?
Please fill in your details below to access the recording:
Is your company active in power trading or producing renewable energy?Required