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Icing on wind turbines: Causes, risks, and forecasts for short-term power traders

As temperatures drop, wind power production and electricity demand are on the rise, promising attractive revenues for wind power producers and short-term traders. But winter also comes with a critical challenge: turbine icing, which can quickly negate the season’s benefits.

The role of traditional and AI weather models in the future of renewable energy forecasting

A diverse array of weather models – from global deterministic systems to breakthrough AI ensembles – is now available. Which weather forecast is most reliable for forecasting the production of a particular wind or solar park?

Leveraging 500TB of weather forecasts: A paradigm shift to array-native infrastructure

Weather data is high volume, and storage has many limitations. Imagine going from a spreadsheet to a sophisticated 3D model where each layer holds information about specific meteorological variables.

Introducing icing feature for enhanced Wind Power Forecast

We’ve launched an exciting enhancement for our Wind Power Generation Forecast: icing forecast, designed to bring our customers more accurate predictions, enabling them to significantly reduce balancing costs.

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